Fairacres-Picacho Volunteer Fire Department
Serving With Pride Since 1974
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The Fairacres-Picacho Fire Department is an all volunteer department located in Southern New Mexico's Doņa Ana County. The department provides fire and rescue services to the residents and visitors of Doņa Ana County Fire Protection District #12.

The fire district is responsible for an area adjacent to and west of the City of Las Cruces. The region is a mixed residential and agricultural community with some light industry. Fairacres Fire Department also has automatic aid agreements with adjoining Doņa Ana County fire districts and mutual aid with the Las Cruces Fire Department.

The district's boundaries contain many hazards that can make the job of a Fairacres Firefighter challenging. The rural setting makes for extended response times, brush fires, and an inadequate water supply. These problems  are compensated through solid training and good equipment.

Within the response area of the Fairacres Fire District is a 25 mile stretch of heavily traveled Interstate 10. This remote segment of highway keeps volunteers busy each week responding to serious motor vehicle accidents and fires. Due to the distance from a trauma facility, these victims are often transported by the airevac service Southwest MedEvac.

With 75% of the districts calls for service being medical related emergencies, the volunteers of Fairacres work closely with the paramedics of American Medical Response (AMR), Doņa Ana Counties paramedic transport provider.

Fairacres Fire is equipped to handle a variety of situations that may arise. Based out of one strategically placed station are the departments six pieces of apparatus. These units carry everything from medical supplies to extrication tools. The fire suppression units carry an assortment of hoses, tools, and anywhere from 300 to 2000 gallons of water.

The most important component of the Fairacres-Picacho Volunteer Fire Department is its dedicated members. These volunteers maintain a 24-hour vigilance to ensure that every call for emergency assistance is answered with the most professional service.





Š 2008 | Fairacres-Picacho Volunteer Fire Department