Fairacres-Picacho Volunteer Fire Department
Serving With Pride Since 1974
Fire Safety
  Weather Safety
Website Links


Thunderstorm & Lightning Safety >
Tips to help you stay safe when the big storm hits

Flash Flood Awareness >
What to do when waters rise without warning

Sandbags >
Where to get them and how to use them.

Doppler Radar >
Live radar from the National Weather Service

National Weather Service >
Warnings, forecasts, radars, and more.


Monsoon Safety - Storm Safety Resource Guide

Each summer the Fairacres-Picacho Fire District endures the annual return of the Monsoon. This seasonal variation of weather patterns gives the area a much needed rainy season and a reprieve from bone dry conditions. However, this weather pattern does not always bring gentle rains and cooler temperatures. It often results in flash flooding, deadly lighting, hurricane force winds,  and damaging hail.

The Fairacres-Picacho Volunteer Fire Department has assembled this Storm Safety Resource Guide to educate residents about the dangers of Southern New Mexico's summer storm season. You will find information about thunderstorm and lighting safety, flood emergencies, links to the areas weather radars, and disaster preparedness information.


What is the monsoon?

A monsoon is generally defined as a seasonal variation of wind, cloud cover and precipitation that is controlled by the annual cycle of the sun. In climates that are strongly influenced by monsoons, most of the annual precipitation is received during the monsoon season.

Portions of the southwest United States, including New Mexico, are influenced by the North American Monsoon System (NAMS), which is also referred to as the Southwest Monsoon. Many locations in New Mexico receive 40 to 50 percent of the annual precipitation during the period from July 1 through August 31 and much, but not all, of the summer rainfall can be attributed to the Southwest Monsoon.


© 2007 | Fairacres-Picacho Volunteer Fire Department