Fairacres-Picacho Volunteer Fire Department
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Fairacres Fire Department receives over $320,000 in grants

July 18 -- The Fairacres-Picacho Volunteer Fire Department has successfully funded over $320,000 in projects using grant money.  The money was secured from both federal and state sources over the past four years.  Each grant was motivated by an internal needs assessment conducted annually.  The federal and state EMS grants were written by members of the department.

Federal Grants

2003 - Assistance to Firefighters Grant [FEMA]
Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (16)
Spare Air Cylinders (16)
Personal Protective Ensembles (16: Helmets, Coats, Pants, Gloves)

2005 - Assistance to Firefighters Grant [FEMA]
Thermal Imager
Firefighting Tools (Axes, Pike Poles, Saw)
Carbon Monoxide Monitors
Foam Equipment and Concentrate

2006 - Assistance to Firefighters Grant [FEMA]
All-Terrain Vehicle
Wildland Firefighting Personal Protective Ensembles
Wildland Firefighting Tools (Pulaski, Rakes, Swatters, Brush Hooks)


State Grants

2006 - EMS Local System Improvement Grant [NM EMS Bureau]
Automated External Defibrillator

2007 - EMS Local System Improvement Grant [NM EMS Bureau]
Mass Casualty Incident Response Equipment (triage supplies, staging tarps, communications equipment, incident command tools)

2005 - S.A.P. Grant [NM Legislature]
Brush fire apparatus chassis

2006 - S.A.P. Grant [NM Legislature]
Fire station addition


© 2007 | Fairacres-Picacho Volunteer Fire Department